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A simple Guide to Using Umbrella Journal

The Umbrella Journal is a digital tool designed to facilitate the practice of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), a form of psychological treatment that focuses on examining the relationships between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This guide will help you navigate the app effectively while also understanding key CBT concepts.

Step 1: Write Down Your Automatic Thought

Automatic thoughts are spontaneous, unfiltered thoughts that occur in response to a specific trigger or situation. These thoughts are often skewed by our individual perceptions and experiences, and are not always based on facts or reality.

In the Umbrella Journal:

Step 2: Select a Distortion

Cognitive distortions are biased perspectives we adopt to reinforce negative thoughts or emotions. They are irrational thoughts and beliefs that we unknowingly reinforce over time, causing us to perceive reality inaccurately.


In the app:

Step 3: Challenge the Thought

Challenging the thought involves scrutinizing the automatic thought and cognitive distortion to identify inaccuracies and bias. It's about understanding that our initial thoughts and perceptions are not always true or helpful.

When using the Umbrella Journal:

Step 4: Write Down an Alternative Thought

Creating an alternative thought is about developing a more accurate and balanced perspective. It involves reframing your automatic thought into something that is more aligned with reality and supportive of your wellbeing.

In the app:

By repeating this four-step cycle regularly, you'll be practicing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, which can help you identify and change distorted thought patterns that lead to negative feelings and behaviors. Remember, becoming proficient at CBT is a process and takes practice, but each step you take is a step towards better mental health. If you ever feel overwhelmed or stuck, don't hesitate to reach out to a mental health professional for guidance.

I hope this comprehensive guide provides a more detailed understanding of CBT and the use of the Umbrella Journal app!

Perfect for CBT practice

Certified by CBT therapists praticing CBT with Umbrella Journal Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) pratice is alot faster,simpler and easier .


Step 5: Finish Your Entry

The final step is about consolidating your insights. You will be presented with a summary of your automatic thought, the distortion you identified, how you challenged this thought, and the alternative thought you created.

In the app:

By completing this five-step cycle regularly, you'll be practicing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, which can help you identify and change distorted thought patterns that lead to negative feelings and behaviors. Remember, becoming proficient at CBT is a process and takes practice, but each step you take is a step towards better mental health. If you ever feel overwhelmed or stuck, don't hesitate to reach out to a mental health professional for guidance.

we hope this comprehensive guide provides a more detailed understanding of CBT and the use of the Umbrella Journal app!
